displacement (ship) in Chinese
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- displacement ship
- 排水量船; 排水型船
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- displacement
- n. 1.转位,移动;取代,置换;(人的)流离失所。 2.撤换,免职。 3.【机械工程】(活塞)排气量;【航海】排水量〔一般指军舰的排水量;商船的排水量一般用 gross [net] ton(nage)〕。 4.【化学】置换(作用),取代(作用);【物理学】位移;【医学】移位;【生物学】替位;【药学】滤过;【地质学;地理学】(断层)移动。 短语和例子 displa...
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- -ship
- 后缀 〔附在形容词或名词后,作成抽象名词后〕表示状态;情况、性质、资格、身分、职、术等: hardship, leadership, membership, scholarship.
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- a ship
- 一只船,一艘轮船
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- a-ship
- 原子动力船
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- by ship
- 乘船; 坐船; 坐轮船
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What is the meaning of displacement (ship) in Chinese and how to say displacement (ship) in Chinese? displacement (ship) Chinese meaning, displacement (ship)的中文,displacement (ship)的中文,displacement (ship)的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.